...have been caught up in my own self pity the last few days...Thankfully the Lord does not let me stay there for too long anymore, what a blessing.
These last few months He has been at work in me quite drastically.. taking my eyes off or should I say beyond my church bubble and getting me so excited about serving Him outside this bubble..
I am not saying there is anything wrong with church programs that promote growing up in Him, sound biblical teaching and bible studies.. counseling and mentoring all intended to help us move along on the path that God has laid out for each of us...

I am thanking God for allowing me to go out in His name, pretty much wherever I go...I am thanking Him for the direction He is leading me.. my heart breaks for what breaks His... for the lost and dying... for the ones that in their struggles that are so common in this world have to face them all alone...
I wish I could perform miracles like Jesus did when He was meeting with the broken people in His time..I can't heal a blind man or raise someone from the dead..
But I can extend a hand, I can allow the love of the Lord flow freely from me to a broken heart and walk alongside them and encourage them as I go..
I can do that wherever God has me...on my street, my grocery store, in Tennessee or in Africa... Can't wait where He will lead me one day but until then I am going to share my Saviour with those that the Lord has for me here....
Once again I am blown away that He would even care to let me be a part in this. There is so much need around us, open our eyes to it Lord... let us not overlook the lost and broken you have put in our path...you didn't overlook us...
Lord let me be a blessing today and every day.... I am safe with you and there are so many that need to find that place of refuge and love.
I want to be the worker that brings in the harvest with you... use me Lord and forgive me for every day that I am too caught up in what my troubles are... you have overcome them, so can I... I love you... don't even know what to do with this love.. so you better channel it and use it, my dearest friend...to you be the GLORY
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