Sunday, August 1, 2010

..Quality Time...JOY abundantly!!!!!

Just a thought this morning , before going to church expectantly... rushing to the place where my brothers and sisters are...coming together to express to everyone around us the worth our Daddy, our Brother and the Counselor have in our lives...
As I just spent extended time in the embrace of my Father, listening to HIS voice, as I was reading in His word, I once again realized that we have gotten it all wrong... ( our picture of who the Father is) 
When Jesus came , He came to reveal to us the Father... when we read the 4 accounts of the gospel, the "Marvelous" news... -the Good News about WHO our Father really is - we can see such a total different view of the Father as Jesus accepts the unacceptable...
 As He accepts us unconditionally, the power of His love is what transforms us, His presence, His concern and compassion... as the peace of this ultimate acceptance envelopes our hearts He makes us more like is not a set of rules, perfectionism, our failure and the following condemnation and rejection.
Coming to Him, spending time with Him in this new found intimacy is allowing me to understand and feel more and more the joy He experiences when I do come... the exciting and marvelous plans He has made for us, to enjoy together... I am going to go to church today to together with my fellow believers praise Him for the LOVE, that ACCEPTANCE and the JOY HE continues to pour out into our lives....

Let the Celebration begin!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miriam

    Thank you so much for your thoughts, I am experiencing the same joy from our Lord and Savior. You are expressing the thoughts I am unable to find the words for.
