Colossians 3: 1-4
this has been my dwelling place for a while now, since I decided to memorize Colossians 3:1-17...
amazing once again, how God does indeed work out every little detail in our lives..
He told me to stay HIDDEN with Him again... in His heart. and so I have dwelt in His presence, hidden WITH Him IN God... delighting in His love and affection, care and concern..
this passage talks about just this.... digging deeper, sinking myself deeper into this, I have discovered yet a much deeper satisfaction than before in seeking Him, His face, His presence, His love, His personality, HIM....... choosing to go to HIM, snuggle in and enjoy this HEAVENLY relationship no matter where my circumstances would have me is becoming more of a habit, something I do right away...
good thing I choose to walk with Him closely... He is always right by my side, so I only have to enter into His embrace and lay down my head where His heart is.. this is and has been my favourite place for almost 9 years, when I first discovered how perfectly my head fits there....
heard something AMAZING ... an add on to the "SOLI DEO GLORIA" all for His glory alone, my reason for being here... not only am I here to bring glory to Him, but also to ENJOY HIM forever .......
He makes me smile, He makes my heart giggle, my soul is radiant, because of His love for me... because of who He is.... because... JUST because.. of HIM...
His presence, seeking it, is not a thing I have to check off each day... it is my hiding place, my place of refuge , but also my most delightful place, my cozy and warm and exciting and exhilarating and fun place to be...... he combines the love we all have longed for from a parent, a child, a lover... and it is all right there... undeserved... unfailing..... eternal....
no matter how long I live, I will never quite be able to figure out the depth and width of His love... that much I already know... oh to one day see His face... until then, I will love Him and seek Him, setting my mind on Him and all things above ... putting my hope in Him and Him alone...
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of Earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
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