I am so overwhelmed.
I don't even know where to start.
so all I can do is tell Him that.
I am overwhelmed by who He is.
the more I know Him,
the more I study His Word,
the more I enter into this intimate relationship,
the more I lean into His heart and listen to His heartbeat...
the more He shows me that He can be trusted.
the more He walks with me through the yucky stuff
the heart-wrenching, heart-breaking stuff
the more He reveals to me what it is all about
the more overwhelmed I am by His love.....
“Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty. For the Lord will not forsake his people, for his great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for himself.” (1 Samuel 12:20–22)
do not be afraid... you have done all this evil.... uh... what?
do not be afraid, you have done all this evil???
yes. fear not. you have done evil. there are consequences.
but there is mercy. there is grace and therefore there is hope.
if you have maneuvered yourself into a tunnel, a corner, a cave,
if life in this broken world has left you feeling shattered and forsaken,
there is hope.
pain and hope do not cancel each other out...
this is what walking with Him is all about..
there is pain, some pain will never go away
but there is always hope with Him, who gave His life for us so we could be redeemed,
bought back,
put back into the fold, back into reconciled fellowship with the One who made us..
and why???
He will not forsake His people, for HIS NAME'S SAKE...
this fills me with joy
with gladness
it's assurance
for His name's sake
that's not going to change
for His glory.
His love
His son
given for me
no fear
JOY that can't be taken away
and HOPE
tomorrow it will be 2 years since my mother even though kind of expected, so suddenly passed away.
my heart is shattered still because it is just so very wrong.
it's a pain in my heart that will never go away.
but I can walk in this pain, I can love in this pain, I can bless others in this pain,
because of Him I can take my eyes of myself and look beyond my circumstances and ask Him to help me to bring glory to Him by being who He is in the process of making me into..
a representative of His in this world..
when sadness overwhelms I lift my eyes to Him and instead pray for those He has given me to love, send a text or make a phone call, bring some flowers or just stop in for a quick visit..
through Him I can do all this... comfort with the comfort I have received and love with the love He fills my heart to overflowing every single time I hang around in His presence...
He overwhelms me.
He really does.
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