Wednesday, February 14, 2018

... the "unconditional love" miracle

unconditional love.
no conditions.
not envious
not boastful
not proud
not rude
not self seeking
not easily angered
keeps no record of wrong
doesn't delight in evil
rejoices with the truth
always protects
always trusts
always hopes 
always perseveres...


that's unconditional love
that's agape love
that's the way our Father in Heaven loves us

that's how we need to love one another

not just husband and wife

that has been my prayer, this is what I am asking God to help me be better at, every single day

so lately... I have realized something ( I can be quite slow at times ... )
when you are asking God for something, you better be ready for it.. yup

I think, we ask, and we mean it, we sincerely want to be better at those things He wants us to do..
what I did not expect, even though He has shown me this before in other areas..duh.. I am really slow, is that He does not just magically drop some "love unconditionally" potion on me and ..tada.... I am this amazing unconditionally loving person...

not at all..

instead, my most loving Father, who is so very committed to making me more like Him, I love Him for that :) creates the scenario that allows me to practice this..

the situation where, because apparently I have conditions ( don't be fooled by my kind face ;) it hurts to love, where the decision to love anyways - doesn't come easily... where it takes a choice and an action to follow, because let me tell you.. the feelings so most definitely want to run the opposite way... ( the heart is wicked, didn't you know ? )

when, even though you are hurt, disappointed, misunderstood and plain "didn't sign up for this" you have to forgive, and PURSUE the one who did the hurting in the first place....

when extending respect and acceptance is a pure act of obedience, because, let's face it, nothing is worth disobedience and the consequences that will so inevitably follow.. ( learned that the hard way )

that's what you get for asking God to change you and help you to love unconditionally, the way He, the Creator of the Universe loves me.

sounds like a bad deal, but, far from it, it never is with Him.
because that's how you can see Him at work, and be part of it.. how exciting is that...

Happy Valentine's Day <3 p="">

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