from spending a day in the hospital with my mother dealing with a "fluttery" heart, Sunday Worship and Father's Day celebrations, to a wonderful day of connecting with someone special on Monday, encouragement and blessing beyond my imaginations on Tuesday, a busy and fulfilling day at Hope for Life on Wednesday, followed by a rather draining and depressing meeting at night to being "serenaded"by the wonderful Worship pastor once again.. a busy evening and weekend ahead...
all this with temperatures that make us think of that place were there is eternal fire... you know what I mean...
and this is what I have been blessed with this week: listening to the same song over and over again for a total of eight hours of driving in two days... and yes, this officially made this song the most played song on my iTunes ;) .. during the last of the eight hours this is what God impressed on my heart:
that He, Jesus, who is the friend of the poor... ( not just the poor in regards to material things but anyone poor : in spirit, joy, love, the meek and humble and downtrodden...) understands the heartaches and deep disappointments of my life.. that He, who comes to the rescue of the poor and makes their hearts His home ( and gives their hearts a home ) indeed has been familiar with what has been done to my heart, He, in His amazing love told me that my sadness resulting from not being treated the way I should have been as a child and as a wife is indeed legitimate.. that I have a right to feel this and that He in turn is blessing me abundantly now because in all of it I have continued to seek Him first, clinging to Him and trusting Him..... ( by His grace, mercy and strength)
..cried tears of joy and gratitude when this new dimension of His love sunk into my heart...
as I fathom the depth of His love a little bit more the love I have for Him becomes even more uncontainable ..
I Worship You Lord Jesus... I will never cease to be in awe of Who You are...
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