today, I could have written a blog post about how difficult it all is, and I didn't want to do this... instead, I started watching old videos of my children..
focusing on my blessings...
after my abortion way back when I was terrified I would not be able to have any more children... my Louisa, born almost 24 years ago was such a blessing from day one.. such a sweet and angel like little Munchkin, what a wonder and blessing she was.. and is..
two and a half years later I remember lying in bed, the night before the scheduled cesarean, worrying if I could love this new baby as much as I loved Louisa... the next day, when I held her in my arms, with her little heart shaped mouth and her ears all rolled in ( seriously ) my heart flooded with a special love for this child... oh my foolish worries, I didn't know that the capacity of a mother's love is infinite... little Laura has been a delight ever since..

6 more years went by and there was baby number 3... expected with as much anticipation and excitement this little Bekkielein arrived and has brought tremendous joy into my life, oh how I cherish having her home with me, my little independent girl, love her like crazy...
all 3 are so very different, each of them put together lovingly by the God of the Universe, he knows the numbers of hairs on their heads and He has made them unique and so very special.. each daughter of mine has a specific purpose to fulfill here on this earth, He has called them as His own and has given them His Spirit.. He has given them special talents and gifts, He has knitted them together in my womb, He knows them and He will never leave them or forsake them... He will dry their tears and rejoice with them in the good times.. He has plans for them to prosper them and not to harm them, to give them a hope and a future.. He delights over them with singing and quiets them with His love...
He has given them to me to cherish, nurture and guide.. to bring them up to love the Lord their God with all their hearts and minds and strengths... all my almost 18 years as a Follower of Christ this has been my prayer... and I will never cease praying this for them... that they would love Him passionately, that they would want to please Him and that they would trust Him with all their hearts...
I know that I will spend eternity with them and I am cherishing each moment I have with them now...
they are my joy and my delight.. a gift from the Lord..
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