Tuesday, June 14, 2011

... 4 x 4's and "incomprehensible" GRACE and LOVE

the 4 x 4 with the pillow around it...  God's justice... His righteous anger..  God's mercy... His grace.. His love... all of this going on at the same time... He loves unconditionally, because of His mercy, understanding... when we didn't deserve it or even wanted it , He sent His Son to pay for our sins... this was necessary because He is Holy... He cannot tolerate sin... He is just, all about justice, so His Son had to pay the price... in His love for us He chose to sacrifice Him... the lamb without blemish... without sin...
He gave His only Son, will He not give us all we ever need.... for love and godliness that is....
He chose us, for our own benefit.. but not only for that... He chose us, so that we through our lives would represent Him well... that's the reason there are 4 x 4's......
outspoken about my faith as I am, and I believe I need to be, I have to be hit over the head sometimes... need to be convicted in order not to compromise Him... who He is... I, like everyone else can go astray very easily... without noticing it sometimes I could be sinning... and, my Father in Heaven in His unfailing love for me needs to show it to me then...
so that's what He did on Sunday... I was kind of turning into a direction that potentially could have harmed my testimony... that first little step into an area of temptation that could in time become too much to resist... I am thanking Him for making this so clear for me on Sunday...
but... and that's what blows me away... He doesn't stop there... so I had to walk away from something I thought I was wanting... and I prayed... I pleaded... in church and again at home at night...
telling Him what was going on in my heart, reminding Him of His scriptures.. His promises, asking for His help .... and this is what I meant earlier... He blows me away... there is no need for Him to prove His love to me, He already did when Jesus thought of me when dying on the cross... and yet... and not for the first time either, in a VERY tangible way did He reach into my heart and give me some answer to the longing of my heart... this is the omnipotent God of the Universe we are talking about... the One that holds the whole world in His hands...you would think He would be too busy to cater to my needs in such a way.... the attention to detail is  "unreal" ... but so REAL...He is REAL , deeply invested in my life.. I will never fully comprehend it.. not while I am here anyways....
in the meantime... still no news... called the  Dr's office and they have not heard... good news???
a meeting with my friend, inspecting the office for Hope for Life, arranging for the phone line, keys, making plans to paint and make this place the haven it will be for those in despair... God is so good, so big and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do!!!!     #SoliDeoGloria

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