.. just in between packing and getting everything ready for me to leave... a few thoughts...
great sermon, once again, so blessed to be part of an amazing church family, led by the most amazing Pastor and Elders...
there are no "bad " things happening to His people... sad things, painful things, "unfair" and sinful things happening, making us sad, hurting us beyond our worst imaginations, conflicts and trials... hard stuff, but not bad... because God promises to work EVERYTHING out for the BEST of those that love Him...
trusting Him for that and really believing it is the key to finding the peace that is ours in Christ Jesus...
believing that He really came to die for my sins... the price that He was willing to pay for me to be saved... being authentic and open and in community with my fellow believers... I don't have to carry my burden alone... and lastly... focusing on what it is all about... eternity with Him and following well while here... taking our eyes off ourselves and pressing on.... in His strength...
looking back over the last year and 5 months... all this has been proven to be true.....
as much as I sometimes cannot see what the good that God will bring out of this is... most of the time I can... and even if I couldn't, I definitely trust Him more for this today than ever before..
My church family has been my support... and still is... I know that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I needed for Him to die on a cross for my sins.. and He did... and... taking my eyes off myself since last summer definitely has helped in giving me strength to keep on going...
All for His glory... so, as everything is a bit hectic and I am leaving my kiddies and puppies alone AGAIN... I am trusting Him for them as well.... my youngest still sick, please pray that she will be getting better each day... even without her Mami being there....
getting on this plane tonite... thankful and full of hope, for God turning everything into something good for those that love Him, that have been called according to His purpose....
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