He never sleeps nor slumbers... He never leaves or gets angry... He never expects stuff for selfish reasons... He never gets impatient with me and He totally understands all that is going on for me, and He cares...
my eyes are burning and I am not that good at focusing on something for too long.... but that's okay...
I guess I have to just do what everyone is telling me to do...just rest... seems to be something that is hard for me to do... I am sure all moms know what I am talking about...
I loved being back with my church family, worshipping the One who is faithful and just.... felt wonderful...
spending time with my girls... going for walk in Florida like sticky weather with my puppies... my life is back to normal in some sense so that is a good thing...
God is faithful, He is carrying us .. and He is going to turn into good what is bad.... this world with all it's trouble and dysfunction.. sin and disease.. He has won the victory ... what a relief... I do not have to worry about that.... Thanks be to Him from whom all blessings flow.... I love Him!!!!!
Welcome home Miriam... never stopped praying for you and your mum...