Monday, March 28, 2011

.... Praise be to Him, from whom all blessings flow...

...told nurse Esther today that she is a member of the  " best nurses of the whole wide world club" I think she was pleased....
talking a bit more with my sister today about how  "Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms"  (CSLewis) and therefore will rather find all kind of other explanations for blessings... like, this is a very small hospital, no wonder the nurses are nice.... good karma, fate is meaning well 
(makes me sick) rather than attributing it to the One from whom all blessings flow.
we all are enemies of God until he opens our eyes and gives us His Spirit and with it His mind and prayer, and all of a sudden we DO KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that it is all from Him... anything good is from Him... if we asked Him or not... doesn't matter at all...
So all I can say today is Thank you... Thank you... Thank you...
my mother was able to breathe very well on her own all night, so the tube was taken out  early afternoon... she woke up enough to put the Epidural in at around 5 and is now not feeling any more pain from the wound in her stomach... I had my first Epidural when my oldest was born, almost 23 years ago... since then this, like most things has been improved a lot... this one is just numbing something like a belt around her midsection, where all the pain is coming from, she still will be able to move her legs... how amazing is Science and Scientist to be thanked now? Yes, but all their intelligence and abilities are also from God... anything good in us, anything good we are ever able to do and accomplish is FROM GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like my tattoo says: SOLI DEO GLORIA!!!! 
To Him ALONE be the glory!!!

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