the good news was that she had survived the surgery to deal with a perforated / burst intestine... “cleaning” out the abdominal cavity, her body going into shock because of the onslaught of germs and other horrible stuff.... a big tumor cut out of her intestine and a big piece of it too, a stoma put in place and the incision kept open for “2nd look” surgery, to clean out her intestines again in 3 days.... on the respirator to help her breath, on about 7 IV’s with different meds... a feeding tube through the nose to motivate the intestines to start working again, by feeding her tea.... flooding her body with fluids to keep the organs dealing with the over reacting immune system functioning as well as they can...
my mother in a sedated state, not “awake”, just lying there....
thankful she has made it that far, and scared out of my mind to see her like this... fighting tears as I am taking her hand, I told everyone we had to pray... and so we did... I have been praying consistently since I heard... many others have and I am eternally thankful for that...
the doctors are doing an amazing job and science and technology are mind boggling...
recovering from a trauma like this for a 70 year old body still seems too big a mountain... too many things can go wrong, so many things have to go right... this is going to change my mother’s life forever, the next weeks, months potentially nightmarish to say the least...
in the light of such circumstances, dysfunction and family trouble take their deserved back seat... here we are, my brother, my sister and my father, all gathered around my mother just lying there....
..if I was not a child of the Great Physician, the Creator of the exact body that just suffered such trauma, the Sovereign God... I would have to go crazy with fear and anxiety.... and, I am not saying I am not scared, I am, but... I continue to go to the throne of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, I recite to Him His promises and I claim them for my mother... He is the one who is in control, He is the only one who can heal her...
so I am choosing to trust Him because He is trustworthy... I know He has the best in mind for all of us...
belonging to the Kingdom of God I am blessed to be surrounded by my family of God, people that care enough to comment on facebook and telling me they are praying, to text and ask for updates... once again it is proven to be true, the bond we have is deeper than anything... it binds us together in love for each other, it spurns us on to encourage one another, to rejoice together, to mourn together and to pray together...
please keep on praying.... she is far from being out of the woods.... but He is with her, so she is in very good hands...
Love you all!!!!!
Thank you for the update Miriam. I know this is a difficult time for your family and I will be happy to continue to pray for you my friend!