..sharing on the phone last night I was blessed and encouraged to hear where her faith is now and how through the hard hard times back then, the fact that there was light at the end of the tunnel, this dear and wonderful sister's faith is so much stronger today..
..trials come in many shapes and sizes and as James Mac Donald so wonderfully put it as Christians, since our God is about refining us and making us more like Him, if we are not in a trial of some kind at all times we should ask ourselves if we really are born again...
(sorry, this sounds horrible, and not all struggles are big ones... the truth is He is working on us because He loves us and will bring to completion the work of perfecting us until He takes us home...)
I memorized this a long time ago and have shared it here before...
it's from 1 Peter chapter 1:
..in all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
when following Christ we are told, actually by Him personally ;) that we are to expect troubles... suffering is a given... so no matter what that suffering looks like, He has promised us that He will walk with us, carry us, hold us close and give us all we need... the peace that passes all understanding and a joy that springs from the well of living water right in our souls.... His presence, that will never ever leave us with anything we cannot handle through Him who gives us strength..
He loves my sister in Christ, He loves my girls, He loves all of us.... He is the source of all love .. He is all we will ever need... may He hold you tight my friend.. I am lifting you up to His throne without ceasing!!!!
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