That night was for information gathering only, they felt sick that they could not have rescued those children right there and then from the exploitation as sex slaves... each of these girls would be raped that night 10 -15 times.... like every night.. Eventually the authorities had enough evidence gathered to close the place down but when the police came back # 146 was no longer there..... no one knows what happened to her...
The founders of Love146 are remembering her by making her number part of their name... Love146.org is an organization that fights for the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation...
When I went on their website and read that story it made me physically sick.... I looked it up, between 700,000 and 1,200,000 children are sold into slavery or abducted every year worldwide...
This is an atrocity, let's ask ourselves, what does Jesus want us to do? He definitely does not want us to cringe and then just file it away as something horrible we know... He is the Father of the Fatherless, the Defender of the Defenseless... He came to redeem the Lost, to bring hope to those without hope... He loves the little children... He IS compassion...
The first thing we need to do is to make this an item on our prayer list... lifting up these helpless children to Him, and asking how and where He can use us in furthering His Kingdom, pushing back the gates of hell by getting involved in some way with this cause... spreading awareness is one step in this direction and that is why I am putting this story out today......
We CANNOT just forget about what is going on there.... We serve an Almighty, sovereign God and He might just have this amazing plan for you to be an instrument of real peace....
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