..today, He knew I needed to be reminded of it.. I needed it.. period... because just over the last little while something has been happening to me... I kind of had taken my eyes off Him and how He blesses me...
..we had a a special service today... it was called "soul cravings".. it was for friends to come and hear a good sermon about what Christmas is all about and what our soul craves, and Who alone can satisfy the cravings we have...
... as I was listening once again I was reminded that yes... we do not quite fit in with this world... the way it is now anyways... the brokenness and sin that entered when Adam and Eve ate the apple back so long ago... this is not where our citizenship is... it is in heaven... with our Father... that He alone gives us meaning, significance and love...
..He created us for Himself and as much as when we are saved we are reconciled with Him, in a relationship now.. we still continue living in this place where we feel like a squirrel in the hot tub would feel ( "inside joke / story" you really have to come and check out our church... like I said... my Pastor ROCKS)... the "not supposed to be like this" baffling and stunning us...
.. but then... after the service.. I turned around and reached out my hand for help... and what met me was a love directly from Him through a sister in Christ... complete understanding and compassion.... no words needed... acceptance beyond my deepest longing.... my soul thirsting for Him.. met with companionship, with something so much deeper than I could ever wish for... communicating to me once again how much He loves me... cares about me, takes care of me, understands me... a few more of my close friends hugging me and knowing my heart and my soul....
I need nothing else... my kids don't need anything else... deciding to believe that is the first step.. every little step we take from here is taken in faith... taking us a bit further on the road to recovery and healing.. until the day comes, when He will come again and the new Heavens and the new Earth will be established and there will be no more tears...... no more stunned squirrels in hot tubs and no more broken up families struggling to make it through Christmas and a life of consequences and sadness....
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