.... big moments in time.. good and bad, we never forget where we were when it happened... good big moments are awesome to experience...it elevates everything... makes u feel that you are part of something that is not just a fleeting moment and forgotten the next second.. a bit of a glimpse into what eternity is like...
So yesterday at church.. yesterday was such a moment... what a privilege... the excitement was in the air.. it was so thick you could feel it... have a pentecostal friend who once said to me you could feel the spirit it was so thick ... well, that's what it was for sure...
Heaven rejoiced... there was a HUGE PARTY... as they talk to the little kids in Sunday School about making Jesus smile... He was beaming as He was hanging out at my church yesterday..
My pastor, the willing and obedient vessel for the Lord that He is, by God's grace... preaching through
1 Peter right now, last week challenged everyone to take the first step in obedience one has to take as a follower of Christ... get baptized to profess their faith and allegiance to the Lord...
19 people responded.... we are not a small church, and we have had Sundays where maybe 5 people would be baptized on the same morning.... but 19.............. testimonies so amazing... age ranged from
(I am guessing ) 19 - 82 ( not guessing about the 82!!!!) testimonies from dramatic to just no longer able to resist the voice of Jesus telling her to get baptized... HE ROCKS.... the Rock....
So being there yesterday was unbelievingly amazing... encouraging... the world is won over, one person at a time.. believing and stepping out in faith... proclaiming Christ as their Saviour... shouting it out loud and not holding anything back...
To be part of this moment... HEAVENLY............ it is such a privilege to serve the King of Kings, Lord of Lords...to be part of His Kingdom to join in the celebration..... (nothing wrong with being a Jesus Junkie... that's what I am I think... cool, eh????)
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