they came back Tuesday and never noticed anything. they slept in their apartment... went to school feeling nauseous and having a headache..she was sick so she thought it was another symptom.. only to come back from school and find the fire department at their house... another alarm had gone off in the building...no one told them to get themselves checked out but my very concerned and very capable daughter called Telehealth...they told them to go to the hospital, that feeling faint and nauseous were symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning... the dr kept them on the oxygen for 5 hours before sending them home and advising them not to sleep at their apartment .... when thinking about this thankfulness wells up in my heart... they all would have died had they slept another night in this... I would have lost my precious child... I cannot imagine the loss.... I trust Him for them all and He proved Himself faithful once again... interestingly all the heartache of the last week grows strangely dim... all not that important when considering what could have happened..
Lord I thank you that you are looking out for my children... that you are in control, you are Lord over life and death..you have my beloved children in the palm of your hand... you are all they will ever need.. Thank you for sparing us all the deep, deep loss... thank you for putting things into perspective...
How blessed we are to be called your own... Let us never forget this... thank you for my children, for the joy they are to me.. please continue to keep them safe...AMEN
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