..everyone off to where they have to be, time for me to go to my secret place...
...my chair... both puppies sleeping on it... my bible and I... I am not a coffee drinker or even a real tea drinker... so that's all there is...
...Reading and memorizing 1. Peter chapter 1....too marvelous for words....
I am one of God's elect, chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the father, through the sanctifying work of the spirit for OBEDIENCE to Christ and the sprinkling of His blood...
Grace and Peace is mine in ABUNDANCE....
Taking that in... there is so much, I have been chosen.... God the Father who foreknows everything... He chose me....I am here to by faith through the Spirit working in me OBEY my Jesus. And all I need is mine, actually, more than I will ever need..
In His great mercy, Praise be to God, He has given me a new birth...into a living hope because of my Jesus having been resurrected from death... what a gift... letting this sink in.... it is touching my heart and my heart wells over with tears of thankfulness... no people, possession or position could ever fill the place in my heart that loves Him with a passion that is all consuming.
I love Him, and I love His people..."It is right for me to feel this way about all of you since I have you in my heart." (Philippians 1:7) There are people that God has brought into my life that are in my heart... sometimes I do not even know what to do with this love...it is so overwhelming...
So, off I go now too, a new day, another meeting... than go see my daughter for lunch... what a lovely treat... God is good... He cares enough to walk with me again today..... leading and guiding me, celebrating and crying with me... so no matter what this day will bring, Grace and Peace will be with me and you.... AMEN
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