..... In the time of my favor I heard you,
and in the day of salvation I helped you."
I tell you, now is the time of God's favor,
now is the day of salvation.
( 2 Cor 6:2 )
During the Michael W. Smith and friends Cruise this July I was blessed to hear a beautiful couple speak every morning at the Sunrise Devotions from 7-8 am... ( it was soooooo worth it to get up early every morning)
Beverley and John Sheasby were instrumental in what my Daddy had planned for me to finally understand... that I indeed am a DEARLY BELOVED and CHERISHED child of the Father... That He has already given me the inheritance that is mine in Christ Jesus and that I only need to live in that truth...am allowed to live in that truth.. without worrying if I am doing well enough following Him...
John is the Theologian, and hearing him explain the scriptures was a treat... his wife though, Beverley, I will never forget... one morning she talked about us being God's favorites and how we should be walking in God's favor every day...
Since then this is my prayer every morning, that I would walk in God's favor....this has been my encouragement to myself and many others since then, whenever we are having trouble trusting, or waiting..
The moment we are being saved is the moment we are being declared co-heirs with Christ... and like the Prodigal son upon his return was clothed in best robe, a ring was put on his finger and sandals on his feet, so is our reception that glorious moment of our salvation...
The Prodigal son's father had the servants bring the fattened calf and kill it. Then they had a feast and celebrated. The Father said: "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."

Oh Daddy... what marvelous gift, your grace, your mercy and most of all your love and acceptance and your favor... at all times...for us to receive and generously share with the world in darkness..
Thank you Lord for the privilege of serving you now and forevermore.
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