very interesting.. never a dull moment, that's for sure...
simple, yet profound and significant moments definitely have become a little spicier.. as in, there are ingredients that weren't on the original recipe.. ;)
seems like as a child of God, following His plan for dealing with loss, with His blessing and healing an ongoing thing in my life, I seem to be the one that is able to deal with those moments the best... funny, who would have thought that..
this weekend, I had the pleasure of moving my daughter back into my humble abode.. for a year for sure, I will have 2 of my children living with me.. a delight.. because I do love them with an undying love and devotion.. they are a gift from the Lord and they never fail to bring me joy..
so, moving her stuff this weekend we were: mother, father, 2 children + one daughter's boyfriend, one new wife of father... ha... potential for awkward moments? probably.. did I experience any? no...
had no problem whatsoever sharing this "simple, yet significant " moment with the woman that replaced me as the wife of the man that was my husband at one point in time.. hmmmm
resentment? none. anger? none. sadness? surprisingly none.. now that is just amazing. I like her. I like him, they care about my kids.. no need for any negative feelings on my part..
would there have been profound sadness, say a year ago? pretty sure... because healing brought by the Lord still takes time.. ( time alone does not heal!!!!!)
was there some tension? yes, but like I said, not originating from me or affecting me.. maybe everyone else felt a little bit awkward, not sure..
these kind of events definitely have a way of highlighting the fact that this is not your regular family unit anymore and that will always be the case..
I am just so thankful that the pain has left me.. the wound has healed.. quite amazing, really.
a great sermon about grieving the "Christian/ God's way" at Winston Churchill Community Church where we attended to witness a dear friend's baptism.. confirmed that I indeed have walked through all the stages of dealing with a loss.. embracing the pain, allowing the tears and the tremendous sadness for as long as it was there, forgiving and continuing to trust God for all I needed, walking closely with Him and loving with His love.. He has been faithful, He has brought about healing and Him and I are closer than ever before..
hoping that those "moments" in the life of my children will continue to become more normal the tension will disappear completely, I thank my Lord for His love and support and for His grace, lived out... He is who He says He is.. Trusting Him with my fragile heart.. 100%!!!!!!!