"I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is “Abortion”, because it is a war against the child… A direct killing of the innocent child, “Murder” by the mother herself… And if we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love… And we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts…" – Mother Teresa
"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born.” -Ronald Reagan, and he goes on to say:
"Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
"Each child is sent into this world by God with a "Unique Message" to deliver, a new personal act of love to bestow"...- John Powell, S.J. , Professor of Theology
Science is helping the cause.. it is getting harder and harder to pretend that there is no real human life , that what we are dealing with is just a blob of tissue... with tiny little video cameras and 3D ultrasounds we have seen a few week old fetuses and we cannot allow the fact that people are not well educated about those things guide their decisions..
someone said instead of trying to convince "Pro- Choice" people we need to share our knowledge with whoever is willing to listen...
this is what is going to make the difference.. and this is what the work at the center is going to be... educating women, allowing them to make a decision based on facts and not on slogans and lies... born not from fear and confusion but rooted in knowledge and truth..
I have been open about the fact that I too had an abortion, my passion to try to educate and pray and support women is born from a deep compassion and understanding.. if anything, I can relate and empathize with what they are feeling... this is why I want to be there for them, this is why we have been training up the volunteers... so that they too can be a fountain of understanding, love and compassion, free from any judgemental feelings, just filled with love for the women...
heard that we will have at least two if not more girls at our door as soon as we open... a great number of girls that just had babies around as well, maybe a Teen moms group is in our near future... as I was driving to the office this morning I thought about how I had been wondering if my typical North American little suburban town would need a place like this.... I guess God knew.. duh... He knows everything...
We are sometimes fooled to think that beauty is found only once we make it through the desert, the hard and difficult times... I believe as we are trying to walk obediently with the Lord He transforms our struggles into something beautiful..reflecting His Love and Beauty as it is lived out in our lives..
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
.. a Challenge to fight FOR unity...let's do it!!!
challenged EVERYWHERE to reclaim what the church is all about... a community of forgiven sinners, only by His strength and grace able to strive to love like He does..
let's stop being Hypocrites preaching to the world about forgiveness and love and failing to live authentically and with integrity doing just that....yes, even inside the church...
slander and gossip, sins as grave as any other sin...my passionate prayer: REMOVE the plank in our own eyes and let us not get upset about the splinter in someone else's eyes... if you have nothing encouraging and edifying to say: STOP talking...check your heart.. pride and selfishness... get rid of it!!!
as the excitement is rising, only 17 sleeps until the Grand Opening of HOPE FOR LIFE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER, as we slowly are starting to grasp what exactly it is that God has called us to in this ministry... which is engaging in the fight to win souls... bringing hope and love and support... ultimately to advance the gospel.... it seems very timely that we are being challenged to be who we are called to be, a light in the darkness ...
to be challenged as in "To summon to action, effort, or use; to stimulate"
the challenge is to LIVE a Christian life, not by pretending to be holier than thou but by authentically walking the talk with humility, mercy and compassion...
what would Jesus do... it is a no brainer... HE is all about forgiveness, love and compassion... no judgement for the repentent sinner... He will remember our sins no more if we confess and turn away from them..
Praying for that kind of attitude to surprise the women that will be coming through the doors of Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center... let's, one woman at a time, show them who Jesus is, by "together making the invisible Christ visible"
let's stop being Hypocrites preaching to the world about forgiveness and love and failing to live authentically and with integrity doing just that....yes, even inside the church...
slander and gossip, sins as grave as any other sin...my passionate prayer: REMOVE the plank in our own eyes and let us not get upset about the splinter in someone else's eyes... if you have nothing encouraging and edifying to say: STOP talking...check your heart.. pride and selfishness... get rid of it!!!
as the excitement is rising, only 17 sleeps until the Grand Opening of HOPE FOR LIFE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER, as we slowly are starting to grasp what exactly it is that God has called us to in this ministry... which is engaging in the fight to win souls... bringing hope and love and support... ultimately to advance the gospel.... it seems very timely that we are being challenged to be who we are called to be, a light in the darkness ...
to be challenged as in "To summon to action, effort, or use; to stimulate"
the challenge is to LIVE a Christian life, not by pretending to be holier than thou but by authentically walking the talk with humility, mercy and compassion...
what would Jesus do... it is a no brainer... HE is all about forgiveness, love and compassion... no judgement for the repentent sinner... He will remember our sins no more if we confess and turn away from them..
Praying for that kind of attitude to surprise the women that will be coming through the doors of Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center... let's, one woman at a time, show them who Jesus is, by "together making the invisible Christ visible"
Sunday, September 25, 2011
.... knitted together in the mother's womb....
..today was a tough day, tough stuff to learn about and absorb, disturbing facts and information... leaving after a day of volunteer training exhausted and yet more assured that this team is a match made in heaven.. blessed and thankful.. bonding on a deeper level..
holding the little 10 week old fetus (one of our beautiful fetal models) in my hands while watching some of those videos...don't know why I did that but I was comforted by it, as if I was protecting it from what we learned about... how these little human beings are ripped out of their mother's uterus.. praying that by God's grace we will be instruments he will use to stop this from happening... sharing information and educating women and empowering them to make a better informed decision.. ultimately it is up to Him, He is the One who needs to change the hearts of those poor women, who are overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation they are finding themselves in... compassion and such a burden for everyone facing this is weighing down my heart...
no surprise that "everyday, mundane life" seems a little too much coming home.. the cloud of sadness and loneliness descending the moment I enter this house... a family consisting of an angry, unhappy teenager and me... a single parent, assaulted by just that fact.. "single parent"... when did I sign up for that? don't recall this..
God's goodness so evident all day... still there, just maybe hidden behind the Eeyore cloud???
opening up about some of the hurts today... should I be surprised I am being assaulted by the enemy as I am sitting here all by myself... seems that is what I am doing most evenings these days... usually this is more than fine... just today... not so fine...
exciting to be part of something that is apparently angering the enemy in such a way that he is using the most obvious things in our lives.. babies not sleeping through the night, dogs throwing up and loneliness... ha... you have to come up with other ways of discouraging us... because... this is NOT going to stop us, called by Him who is more than able to do whatever he calls us to do through us... we will be victorious, by His grace and His strength... just having to lean in a little deeper... snuggling a little closer into the embrace of the Lover of my Soul... the Saviour... Our Lord Jesus Christ... Praise be to Him !!!!
holding the little 10 week old fetus (one of our beautiful fetal models) in my hands while watching some of those videos...don't know why I did that but I was comforted by it, as if I was protecting it from what we learned about... how these little human beings are ripped out of their mother's uterus.. praying that by God's grace we will be instruments he will use to stop this from happening... sharing information and educating women and empowering them to make a better informed decision.. ultimately it is up to Him, He is the One who needs to change the hearts of those poor women, who are overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation they are finding themselves in... compassion and such a burden for everyone facing this is weighing down my heart...
no surprise that "everyday, mundane life" seems a little too much coming home.. the cloud of sadness and loneliness descending the moment I enter this house... a family consisting of an angry, unhappy teenager and me... a single parent, assaulted by just that fact.. "single parent"... when did I sign up for that? don't recall this..
God's goodness so evident all day... still there, just maybe hidden behind the Eeyore cloud???
opening up about some of the hurts today... should I be surprised I am being assaulted by the enemy as I am sitting here all by myself... seems that is what I am doing most evenings these days... usually this is more than fine... just today... not so fine...
exciting to be part of something that is apparently angering the enemy in such a way that he is using the most obvious things in our lives.. babies not sleeping through the night, dogs throwing up and loneliness... ha... you have to come up with other ways of discouraging us... because... this is NOT going to stop us, called by Him who is more than able to do whatever he calls us to do through us... we will be victorious, by His grace and His strength... just having to lean in a little deeper... snuggling a little closer into the embrace of the Lover of my Soul... the Saviour... Our Lord Jesus Christ... Praise be to Him !!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
... trials and tribulations... :S
I wonder if there is anyone else out there that would be so happy if we could find a formula for some consistency, more stability... maybe it is just me, but it seems that just when you thought you dealt with one thing and figured it out for sure the next difficult situation arises...
I think it was James Mc Donald who said that as a Christian you can be sure that you are either in the middle, at the end or right before the next trial... not always huge ones, but something is always going on, he explained that our Father in Heaven is about refining us and he is committed to do that until the day He takes us home....
stomach flu in the house is probably not helping, and so I am not concerned... just tired...
why does a Mother have to be the one to be called "unfair" and "mean"... not kidding.. I am sure next to God I do love my daughter the most. I am the one that thinks about, prays for her and invests herself most, so that she will grow up to be a healthy adult who will be able to engage in a meaningful journey...
I am tired... just on Saturday I was telling this wonderful group of volunteers that they can be sure that the enemy is going to try to make them miserable and that we, my partner and I have had quite the share of this in the last 12 months... we are entering into a battle .. and he doesn't like that... the great news is that this battle was won on a Sunday morning almost 2000 years ago, when the tomb was empty ...
this does not mean that it is not real for us and that we have actual things that are going to be hard... but ultimately we are on the winning side... the victory has been won... my teenager is going to turn out okay, even if it will take many more of my hairs to turn grey.. in this situation He too is going to be victorious, He has claimed her as His own, and He won't let her go....
so, a little time off from turmoil for me, maybe???
I would really appreciate it.... please????? relying on Him to give me the strength to go on, what else can one do? at least He is where He promised to be, right here with me.... Praise God!!!
I think it was James Mc Donald who said that as a Christian you can be sure that you are either in the middle, at the end or right before the next trial... not always huge ones, but something is always going on, he explained that our Father in Heaven is about refining us and he is committed to do that until the day He takes us home....
stomach flu in the house is probably not helping, and so I am not concerned... just tired...
why does a Mother have to be the one to be called "unfair" and "mean"... not kidding.. I am sure next to God I do love my daughter the most. I am the one that thinks about, prays for her and invests herself most, so that she will grow up to be a healthy adult who will be able to engage in a meaningful journey...
I am tired... just on Saturday I was telling this wonderful group of volunteers that they can be sure that the enemy is going to try to make them miserable and that we, my partner and I have had quite the share of this in the last 12 months... we are entering into a battle .. and he doesn't like that... the great news is that this battle was won on a Sunday morning almost 2000 years ago, when the tomb was empty ...
this does not mean that it is not real for us and that we have actual things that are going to be hard... but ultimately we are on the winning side... the victory has been won... my teenager is going to turn out okay, even if it will take many more of my hairs to turn grey.. in this situation He too is going to be victorious, He has claimed her as His own, and He won't let her go....
so, a little time off from turmoil for me, maybe???
I would really appreciate it.... please????? relying on Him to give me the strength to go on, what else can one do? at least He is where He promised to be, right here with me.... Praise God!!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
... by your love they will know...
wow... a Sunday school room filled with 13 women... 13 binders, a mac book, a projector, a TV, DVD and VCR player.. coffee, tea, cookies.... and...the HOLY SPIRIT...
truth, information, insight, historical background, statistics, phenomenal images of God's creation, a look into the womb...
little hand scratching tiny face.. little tongue sticking out.. how precious, forms and regulations, policies, ethics and mentoring lessons...
excitement and passion rising to the surface ... like wild water rafting... everyone gets caught up in the exhilaration...
purpose and truth.. no one is there by chance...
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
filled to overflowing with a love for Him who calls us, for one another and any woman or man in crisis that will come to us, God willing... that is how we show the world who Jesus really is, that we love them with His love, support and care for them, without judgement, but just with love and as we set apart Christ as Lord in our hearts, we are always prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope and love and joy that we have and we will do this with gentleness and respect... ( 1 Peter 3:15)
Thanking God for a GREAT and ENCOURAGING first day of Volunteer training for Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center.... #SoliDeoGloria

little hand scratching tiny face.. little tongue sticking out.. how precious, forms and regulations, policies, ethics and mentoring lessons...
excitement and passion rising to the surface ... like wild water rafting... everyone gets caught up in the exhilaration...
purpose and truth.. no one is there by chance...
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
filled to overflowing with a love for Him who calls us, for one another and any woman or man in crisis that will come to us, God willing... that is how we show the world who Jesus really is, that we love them with His love, support and care for them, without judgement, but just with love and as we set apart Christ as Lord in our hearts, we are always prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope and love and joy that we have and we will do this with gentleness and respect... ( 1 Peter 3:15)
Thanking God for a GREAT and ENCOURAGING first day of Volunteer training for Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center.... #SoliDeoGloria
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
... the "joys" of single hood"... NOT
facebook and other social media sites keep us "middle aged people" on top of the lingo and what's cool with the young people...
some of the things I see and read I do not like... but this morning, very early actually, I found myself thinking "sucks to be me" one of the expressions I do not necessarily enjoy when I see a teenager posting that... but here I was... I felt discouraged and alone and forgotten, not important to anyone.. not important enough anyways to go the extra mile to make something work out for me... and I admit, it was a last minute request and there were other ways of doing it, I guess... not the best way for me, but still, it would have been okay... ( I am not upset with anyone , that's not what this is about )
I had been feeling pretty alone already for a few days.. just don't feel as a single woman I really belong anymore with the happy couples and families... so this morning, really early I just thought.. sucks to be a single woman, without a husband taking care of certain things.. "man things"....
as I was praying and reading my bible I decided that I couldn't stay there, that I had to tell Him everything that was bothering me and that I had to just give the disappointment and feelings of abandonment to Him... after all, we are told in His Word that He will meet all our needs...I believe that even when I do not feel that way, and so I surrendered it again...
a few hours later a solution came my way out of a totally unexpected corner so to speak... not surprising , if you think about it, isn't He really good at this?
I definitely was blessed that my situation was resolved and that once again my Jesus had come through for me..
still, all day I have not been able to shake that feeling... my friend who is alone now too said something that is just so very true, even though we both would rather have it to be a lie.....
there is a lot of compassion and an outpour of help and concern in the beginning... but then life goes on for everyone, we are doing relatively fine and seem okay... and... then we are left to our own devices... not anyone's fault, just life... wondering what the lesson is for me... going to Him... trying to plan things a little better ahead of time... not be disappointed that there is not that special someone that is by default my go to person... I realize that my former go to person took really good care of all these things for us.. so the lesson is too that if there is ever another "go to guy" to let him know how good a job he is doing and to cheer him on, because, it really sucks without one...
some of the things I see and read I do not like... but this morning, very early actually, I found myself thinking "sucks to be me" one of the expressions I do not necessarily enjoy when I see a teenager posting that... but here I was... I felt discouraged and alone and forgotten, not important to anyone.. not important enough anyways to go the extra mile to make something work out for me... and I admit, it was a last minute request and there were other ways of doing it, I guess... not the best way for me, but still, it would have been okay... ( I am not upset with anyone , that's not what this is about )
I had been feeling pretty alone already for a few days.. just don't feel as a single woman I really belong anymore with the happy couples and families... so this morning, really early I just thought.. sucks to be a single woman, without a husband taking care of certain things.. "man things"....
as I was praying and reading my bible I decided that I couldn't stay there, that I had to tell Him everything that was bothering me and that I had to just give the disappointment and feelings of abandonment to Him... after all, we are told in His Word that He will meet all our needs...I believe that even when I do not feel that way, and so I surrendered it again...
a few hours later a solution came my way out of a totally unexpected corner so to speak... not surprising , if you think about it, isn't He really good at this?
I definitely was blessed that my situation was resolved and that once again my Jesus had come through for me..
still, all day I have not been able to shake that feeling... my friend who is alone now too said something that is just so very true, even though we both would rather have it to be a lie.....
there is a lot of compassion and an outpour of help and concern in the beginning... but then life goes on for everyone, we are doing relatively fine and seem okay... and... then we are left to our own devices... not anyone's fault, just life... wondering what the lesson is for me... going to Him... trying to plan things a little better ahead of time... not be disappointed that there is not that special someone that is by default my go to person... I realize that my former go to person took really good care of all these things for us.. so the lesson is too that if there is ever another "go to guy" to let him know how good a job he is doing and to cheer him on, because, it really sucks without one...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
... being Christ to one another....
I "like" this page called "Jesus" on facebook, and how could I not like it... I love Him... ;)
"He" posts great scripture, challenges, you can post your prayer requests etc... so, nice, I like it.. :D
today, this was one of the early morning posts:
When you are drowning.......I will lift you out.
When you lack faith......I will erase your doubt.
When you are slipping.......I will restore control.
When you are dying.....I will embrace your Soul.
I am your Savior. Will you grab my outreached hand?
this is good news, for both the unbeliever who could be grabbing that hand for the first time, and, it is for us, the believers too....
we feel like we are drowning at times, we lack in faith, we definitely are slipping and we will all die...
will we put our trust in Him every step of the way?
we, the community of believers, if we are honest with ourselves, all struggle with these things once in a while... this is when a sister or brother in Christ needs to remind us... the great part is that this is something we can do for each other, all of us, there is no "I am the more mature one and I will always have that role in your life"... no, it very much is a two way street between any two believers... as long as we are AUTHENTIC and share where we are with someone, without fearing judgement..
following Him for more than 17 years now I am most amazed about the "when you are slipping".. as in taking some tentative steps away... He just comes in, and in His amazing love gently restores....
my love for Him grows day by day....
so today, I will love Him and my "neighbour", I will fear no judgment and be authentic, I will be Christ to whoever allows me to be... and I will gladly receive Christ's love from my FF's.... my fellow followers :D
"He" posts great scripture, challenges, you can post your prayer requests etc... so, nice, I like it.. :D
today, this was one of the early morning posts:
When you are drowning.......I will lift you out.
When you lack faith......I will erase your doubt.
When you are slipping.......I will restore control.
When you are dying.....I will embrace your Soul.
I am your Savior. Will you grab my outreached hand?
this is good news, for both the unbeliever who could be grabbing that hand for the first time, and, it is for us, the believers too....
we feel like we are drowning at times, we lack in faith, we definitely are slipping and we will all die...
will we put our trust in Him every step of the way?
we, the community of believers, if we are honest with ourselves, all struggle with these things once in a while... this is when a sister or brother in Christ needs to remind us... the great part is that this is something we can do for each other, all of us, there is no "I am the more mature one and I will always have that role in your life"... no, it very much is a two way street between any two believers... as long as we are AUTHENTIC and share where we are with someone, without fearing judgement..
following Him for more than 17 years now I am most amazed about the "when you are slipping".. as in taking some tentative steps away... He just comes in, and in His amazing love gently restores....
my love for Him grows day by day....
so today, I will love Him and my "neighbour", I will fear no judgment and be authentic, I will be Christ to whoever allows me to be... and I will gladly receive Christ's love from my FF's.... my fellow followers :D
Monday, September 12, 2011
... taking off the mask... being real..
read a great devotion this morning and a great truth was brought to my attention again: it is the dark places in our lives that give weight to the Gospel, the broken places, the addictions to pornography, alcohol, drugs, power and control, it is in our propensity to blame and abuse each other, our greed and our depravity, in those places the changes can be seen from where we were to where we are going... the healing and the breaking of chains that happens when we genuinely follow Christ...
unfortunately in churches ( not mine , thanks be to God) these dark places often are not talked about... a mask is put on, a code of behaviour that is acceptable is established and then people hide behind it...
this is when we become hypocrites and the world turns away from us....
when we find the gospel to be true and start to attempt to walk the talk, it eventually brings us to a place where we must confront our brokenness and admit to ourselves that this is what we are : both the walking wounded and the perpetually healed.
only then the power of the Gospel will be seen:
"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
2 Corinthians 12:9
on the day of the Grand Opening and Dedication Service I will give a short testimony about my abortion, I will, for the first time in front of a huge bunch of people that know me, share this part of my life, one of my dark places... many will be shocked to hear this and some will not be able to handle it... those that are so used to hiding behind their masks will probably judge me.. now, I have decided long ago, when I started sharing this part of my journey, that it didn't matter what people thought... if the God of all Creation forgives me and remembers my sin no more, what does the opinions of people still mean to me...
On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2: 4+5
In His grace He has chosen me to be entrusted with the gospel, to share my testimony is allowing others to be vulnerable, come out from behind their masks and allow the healing to take place... I am not trying to please men or women for that matter, I am not trying to become more liked or admired... just to be used by my Saviour who loves me enough to give me a purpose... #SoliDeoGloria
unfortunately in churches ( not mine , thanks be to God) these dark places often are not talked about... a mask is put on, a code of behaviour that is acceptable is established and then people hide behind it...
this is when we become hypocrites and the world turns away from us....
when we find the gospel to be true and start to attempt to walk the talk, it eventually brings us to a place where we must confront our brokenness and admit to ourselves that this is what we are : both the walking wounded and the perpetually healed.
only then the power of the Gospel will be seen:
"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
2 Corinthians 12:9
on the day of the Grand Opening and Dedication Service I will give a short testimony about my abortion, I will, for the first time in front of a huge bunch of people that know me, share this part of my life, one of my dark places... many will be shocked to hear this and some will not be able to handle it... those that are so used to hiding behind their masks will probably judge me.. now, I have decided long ago, when I started sharing this part of my journey, that it didn't matter what people thought... if the God of all Creation forgives me and remembers my sin no more, what does the opinions of people still mean to me...
On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2: 4+5
In His grace He has chosen me to be entrusted with the gospel, to share my testimony is allowing others to be vulnerable, come out from behind their masks and allow the healing to take place... I am not trying to please men or women for that matter, I am not trying to become more liked or admired... just to be used by my Saviour who loves me enough to give me a purpose... #SoliDeoGloria
Sunday, September 11, 2011
.... life's ups and downs.....
...what a week... so many exciting things, received many boxes of resources and "stuff" for the center... the house next door to the church will be owned by the church end of October and with that... so many exciting possibilities... if it is God's will, for Hope for Life...
sad / exciting moments this week as well.....
my oldest daughter... so grown up and accomplished and a great source of joy and pride... took possession of her own Condo and moved out FOR GOOD :*(
emotions are mixed because I am so happy for her, I also strongly believe that it is the right time for that, and yet... when is there ever a right time for your baby to move out of your "daily" life so to speak..
I remember 5 years ago... when she took the first steps into living her own life.. moving her into residency in Toronto... what I had dreaded so much turned into something not at all like I had imagined... she ended up coming home pretty much every weekend and Mami was a happy camper.. commuting for a few years with a year in an apartment in between.. this is the final step out of the nest... she is in full flight and it is a great thing... if it wasn't that sad as well...
home schooling for my youngest is proving more challenging than we first thought... a melt down, later a cry for help to a wonderful friend which is hopefully going to deal with that....
weekends and nights are the most difficult for a lonely single woman like myself... even the amazing open air service at the Georgetown Fall Fair made it once again painfully clear that I am just that: a single woman...
Well, I still believe that His plans are to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future.. which is beyond what I could come up for myself... when is the question... but I shall trust... what else can one do???
sad / exciting moments this week as well.....
my oldest daughter... so grown up and accomplished and a great source of joy and pride... took possession of her own Condo and moved out FOR GOOD :*(
emotions are mixed because I am so happy for her, I also strongly believe that it is the right time for that, and yet... when is there ever a right time for your baby to move out of your "daily" life so to speak..
I remember 5 years ago... when she took the first steps into living her own life.. moving her into residency in Toronto... what I had dreaded so much turned into something not at all like I had imagined... she ended up coming home pretty much every weekend and Mami was a happy camper.. commuting for a few years with a year in an apartment in between.. this is the final step out of the nest... she is in full flight and it is a great thing... if it wasn't that sad as well...
home schooling for my youngest is proving more challenging than we first thought... a melt down, later a cry for help to a wonderful friend which is hopefully going to deal with that....
weekends and nights are the most difficult for a lonely single woman like myself... even the amazing open air service at the Georgetown Fall Fair made it once again painfully clear that I am just that: a single woman...
Well, I still believe that His plans are to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future.. which is beyond what I could come up for myself... when is the question... but I shall trust... what else can one do???
Friday, September 9, 2011
... Dedication Service Oct 16 for Hope for Life....
when I googled "Baby Shower Cup Cakes" I had the hardest time to chose... they were all soooooo cute and colourful...
yesterday I googled this because I was creating an Event on facebook and I wanted to use a cute picture like this...
after a great meeting with my pastor ( he is my shepherd and I am his sheep :D ) I finally was able to get the posters up on the church and now to invite people on facebook to attend the joyous event:
The Grand Opening and Dedication service we will have for Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center on October 16.....
I have personally invited the Mayor and the newspaper to come, my Volunteers know about their role in this, testimonies are lined up and the EXCITEMENT is RISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chose the little cupcakes as a picture for the event because we are asking everyone in the congregation to bring a "Baby Shower Gift " my pastor, being a man and all .. ;) was concerned if it was a good idea to let the gifts be brought to the altar as a part of the Dedication... he didn't want to do it if there would only be a handful of gifts.. well, I told him that, like every other woman, I am excited to get a baby gift... ( I thank my friends for having babies and allowing me to go shopping for one :)
I am counting on a beautiful display of our generosity that Sunday.. I can see all the colourful bags in the front, a display of our commitment to bless the women of Halton Hills and their babies...
As a church and as a community it is a privilege for us to be in a place where we can bless others... every good and perfect gift comes from above, we have been given our abilities, our jobs, our finances from the One who provides and from whom all blessings flow...
my prayer is that He will be pleased with the outward display of putting our heart where our treasure is, by leaving a gift at the altar for someone who will be delighted to receive it one day and also make a statement that as Christians we DO care about what is happening outside our church walls... that the love we have for others in need is genuine...
I cannot wait to see all this unfold on October 16.... be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( and bring a gift!!!)
yesterday I googled this because I was creating an Event on facebook and I wanted to use a cute picture like this...
after a great meeting with my pastor ( he is my shepherd and I am his sheep :D ) I finally was able to get the posters up on the church and now to invite people on facebook to attend the joyous event:
The Grand Opening and Dedication service we will have for Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center on October 16.....
I have personally invited the Mayor and the newspaper to come, my Volunteers know about their role in this, testimonies are lined up and the EXCITEMENT is RISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chose the little cupcakes as a picture for the event because we are asking everyone in the congregation to bring a "Baby Shower Gift " my pastor, being a man and all .. ;) was concerned if it was a good idea to let the gifts be brought to the altar as a part of the Dedication... he didn't want to do it if there would only be a handful of gifts.. well, I told him that, like every other woman, I am excited to get a baby gift... ( I thank my friends for having babies and allowing me to go shopping for one :)
I am counting on a beautiful display of our generosity that Sunday.. I can see all the colourful bags in the front, a display of our commitment to bless the women of Halton Hills and their babies...
As a church and as a community it is a privilege for us to be in a place where we can bless others... every good and perfect gift comes from above, we have been given our abilities, our jobs, our finances from the One who provides and from whom all blessings flow...
my prayer is that He will be pleased with the outward display of putting our heart where our treasure is, by leaving a gift at the altar for someone who will be delighted to receive it one day and also make a statement that as Christians we DO care about what is happening outside our church walls... that the love we have for others in need is genuine...
I cannot wait to see all this unfold on October 16.... be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( and bring a gift!!!)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
... nothing earth shattering...
2 days of "home schooling" have gone by... I think it is working pretty well... yes it is boring, but stuff gets done... the goal, be done with this Semester Dec 14.... wow. we will see.
volunteer work set up for her... a whole day in the Kindergarten classroom at the Christian School each week.. wonderful.. making a difference, ( the theme this year...) so happy she can be back there a bit again this semester.. such a great place.
looks like life just continues to go on... no big lessons, no big lows or highs... each day a full array of choices, overwhelming sometimes.. annoying other times.. and then there are the heartbreaking moments.. but also the little joys..
and then, we are so blessed, we do not have to worry about where our next meal will come from, or if we can find shelter in the night.. we don't have to watch our step so as not to step on a land mine and lose our life, our children are not forced into sex slavery and we have not been raped in front of them... our houses burnt down and everything taken from us.
I'd say, we have so many reasons to be content and thankful. after all our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
there are people that do not believe that there is an eternity and they are flippantly dismissing my faith... there are those that like the fantasy that God is love and that everyone is going to be allowed to spent eternity with Him... well, we all will see, right?
I need to fix my eyes on Jesus, because I know that this is the truth... all who believe in Him and that He paid for our sins will have life everlasting... that's what I am going for... :)
volunteer work set up for her... a whole day in the Kindergarten classroom at the Christian School each week.. wonderful.. making a difference, ( the theme this year...) so happy she can be back there a bit again this semester.. such a great place.
looks like life just continues to go on... no big lessons, no big lows or highs... each day a full array of choices, overwhelming sometimes.. annoying other times.. and then there are the heartbreaking moments.. but also the little joys..
and then, we are so blessed, we do not have to worry about where our next meal will come from, or if we can find shelter in the night.. we don't have to watch our step so as not to step on a land mine and lose our life, our children are not forced into sex slavery and we have not been raped in front of them... our houses burnt down and everything taken from us.
I'd say, we have so many reasons to be content and thankful. after all our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
there are people that do not believe that there is an eternity and they are flippantly dismissing my faith... there are those that like the fantasy that God is love and that everyone is going to be allowed to spent eternity with Him... well, we all will see, right?
I need to fix my eyes on Jesus, because I know that this is the truth... all who believe in Him and that He paid for our sins will have life everlasting... that's what I am going for... :)
Friday, September 2, 2011
...the BLAMING GAME....
when we are blaming others, we are saying that the others are responsible for our happiness / well being / joy....
after Eve had been deceived by the serpent and her and Adam were now hiding from God, having already lost what made the Garden of Eden "Paradise" : intimate fellowship with God, no fear... when found by God started what is our downfall still today.... the BLAMING GAME.....
The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
funnily enough, the punishment for disobeying God's only NO was still given to all 3 of them... the serpent, the woman and the man.....
The Holy and Righteous God of the Universe was not influenced or even agreed with or took into consideration what Adam and Eve said in their defence, pointing the finger at someone else....
there is quite the lesson for us in this.... we all will be judged according to our own behaviour... no matter the : He made me do it... she started it... if he hadn't been this way... if those people just didn't make so many mistakes I wouldn't have gossiped about it... He, God Almighty, who knows EVERYTHING anyways.... judges each one for what they have decided to do.... we are given a choice, each time anything happens to us or around us... to do what is right or to just react out of our human nature...
and sin... we will be held accountable and there are going to be consequences for our own sin, there will be no: "oh he started it, so , sure... you had no choice..."
this is just not how God functions, He is too just and too holy to do that....
another aspect of the blaming game actually puts God in a box and makes Him real small.... I am only in this situation because of someone else's actions... you think????? how does God's sovereignty play into this then???
He is the ONE in control and He could have prevented what happened from happening.... easily... so if He didn't... He has a purpose... He is teaching us something... and, because He loves us like no other, it is for our best...
a marriage, a family, the workplace, the church, our government.... everywhere things will happen we do not like, disagree with, that hurt us, make us angry.... but we have been given a choice... what are we going to do with it... are we going to choose to walk through it in obedience and allow God to refine us through it or are we going to play the blaming game and engage in disobedience in the process ( and that would be unforgiveness, revenge, gossip) which will lead us astray, away from God...
it's a choice and we need to make it over and over again.....
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. ( John 15: 4-6)
Let's, by His grace, remain in Him and obey... no more finger pointing!!!!!
after Eve had been deceived by the serpent and her and Adam were now hiding from God, having already lost what made the Garden of Eden "Paradise" : intimate fellowship with God, no fear... when found by God started what is our downfall still today.... the BLAMING GAME.....
The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
funnily enough, the punishment for disobeying God's only NO was still given to all 3 of them... the serpent, the woman and the man.....
The Holy and Righteous God of the Universe was not influenced or even agreed with or took into consideration what Adam and Eve said in their defence, pointing the finger at someone else....
there is quite the lesson for us in this.... we all will be judged according to our own behaviour... no matter the : He made me do it... she started it... if he hadn't been this way... if those people just didn't make so many mistakes I wouldn't have gossiped about it... He, God Almighty, who knows EVERYTHING anyways.... judges each one for what they have decided to do.... we are given a choice, each time anything happens to us or around us... to do what is right or to just react out of our human nature...
and sin... we will be held accountable and there are going to be consequences for our own sin, there will be no: "oh he started it, so , sure... you had no choice..."
this is just not how God functions, He is too just and too holy to do that....
another aspect of the blaming game actually puts God in a box and makes Him real small.... I am only in this situation because of someone else's actions... you think????? how does God's sovereignty play into this then???
He is the ONE in control and He could have prevented what happened from happening.... easily... so if He didn't... He has a purpose... He is teaching us something... and, because He loves us like no other, it is for our best...
a marriage, a family, the workplace, the church, our government.... everywhere things will happen we do not like, disagree with, that hurt us, make us angry.... but we have been given a choice... what are we going to do with it... are we going to choose to walk through it in obedience and allow God to refine us through it or are we going to play the blaming game and engage in disobedience in the process ( and that would be unforgiveness, revenge, gossip) which will lead us astray, away from God...
it's a choice and we need to make it over and over again.....
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. ( John 15: 4-6)
Let's, by His grace, remain in Him and obey... no more finger pointing!!!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
...a reminder of His faithfulness
have been busy getting stuff done for Hope for Life, very exciting ...
at the office early, taking some time with my Saviour.. my study bible has been my companion for the last 17 years, underlined everywhere, notes in the margins.. in it's carrying bag it contains all that is important in my life, pages with meaningful scriptures written out, my testimony written down and letters and notes given to me with encouraging scriptures and such..
lately, over the last 3 years or so, this great bible has been falling apart... the hard cover is totally gone and it is really disintegrating now.. even the leather bag is not functioning properly anymore..
I do have new bibles, but I so far I have not been able to retire this one...
it seems there are so many meaningful entries and reminders of dear moments in there, all that God has taught me through these years has somehow been documented right in there...
at one point in time I started to copy all my notes and underlinings into a new bible... I gave up... I want to stick to my beloved old one... I might get it rebound.. someone said you can do that..
when I leaf through the pages of my old companion I am reminded how God met me in His Word, I am reminded of His faithfulness..
-like when the LORD told Joshua to have a representative of the 12 tribes to each get 12 stones from where the Israelites crossed the river Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant and take them as a reminder so that they could tell their children about how God had cut off the flow of the Jordan so that the Ark and the people of Israel could cross over the river of Jordan-
my bible is a reminder of the many times He, through His Word provided me with the needed encouragement, conviction and comfort... in the margins I recorded what it meant to me and I am blessed when I read it again... I will stick to it, I will be loyal and not discard it, it might be old and tattered, but I love it... maybe one day it will be a reminder to my children and their children of who I was and what I stood for... a close and intimate relationship with my Jesus and His Word and a commitment to stick to it and all it stands for...
at the office early, taking some time with my Saviour.. my study bible has been my companion for the last 17 years, underlined everywhere, notes in the margins.. in it's carrying bag it contains all that is important in my life, pages with meaningful scriptures written out, my testimony written down and letters and notes given to me with encouraging scriptures and such..
lately, over the last 3 years or so, this great bible has been falling apart... the hard cover is totally gone and it is really disintegrating now.. even the leather bag is not functioning properly anymore..
I do have new bibles, but I so far I have not been able to retire this one...
it seems there are so many meaningful entries and reminders of dear moments in there, all that God has taught me through these years has somehow been documented right in there...
at one point in time I started to copy all my notes and underlinings into a new bible... I gave up... I want to stick to my beloved old one... I might get it rebound.. someone said you can do that..
when I leaf through the pages of my old companion I am reminded how God met me in His Word, I am reminded of His faithfulness..
-like when the LORD told Joshua to have a representative of the 12 tribes to each get 12 stones from where the Israelites crossed the river Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant and take them as a reminder so that they could tell their children about how God had cut off the flow of the Jordan so that the Ark and the people of Israel could cross over the river of Jordan-
my bible is a reminder of the many times He, through His Word provided me with the needed encouragement, conviction and comfort... in the margins I recorded what it meant to me and I am blessed when I read it again... I will stick to it, I will be loyal and not discard it, it might be old and tattered, but I love it... maybe one day it will be a reminder to my children and their children of who I was and what I stood for... a close and intimate relationship with my Jesus and His Word and a commitment to stick to it and all it stands for...
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